Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Emory University - Julia Robinson Math Festival - Sept. 10

Julia Robinson Mathematics Festivals inspire students to explore the richness and beauty of mathematics through activities that encourage collaborative, creative problem-solving. The festival provides an alternative to the competitive culture of math contests, with tables dedicated to different problems and activities, each with a mathematician standing by to offer guidance and encouragement without giving away too much. Says the Festival's Mathematics Director, Joshua Zucker, "We offer intriguing and challenging problems, puzzles, and activities, and a supportive setting for kids who like to take their time working on a problem. Students make whatever progress they make, they get help, they work with other kids, and eventually come to some kind of stopping point and go find another activity of interest."

Emory will be holding a festival on Saturday September 10th from 1 - 4 pm. It is aimed at students in grades 6 - 12, although advanced 4th and 5th graders may participate. You can register here.