Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Saturday Code School for Teens



Exposure to computer science leads to some of the best-paying jobs in the world, but 75% of our population is underrepresented. –

We live in an age of constant innovation and change. However, too many children never receive exposure to the opportunity to create those innovations. We believe that all children deserve the opportunity to create the tools, apps, and networks that shape the world of tomorrow. So right here in South Fulton, representing Tri-Cities in Downtown East Point – we’re starting a Saturday Code School program for teens 13-16 (for now) in addition to our adult program.



The first course is Intro to Web Development, where they’ll learn HTML5, CSS, marketing, business management, and client relations. At the end of the course, your teen could start her own web design business – and pay you back with interest. Consider the $595 tuition fee an opportunity to save your teen’s precious complexion with a “never-have-to-flip-a-burger” pass. Classes begin July 12th and run weekly 10am-4pm until August 2. Capacity is 10 students per session.

For additional information and to apply to the program visit: