Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Internship Program at Public Broadcasting Atlanta

Public Broadcasting Atlanta (PBA) offers internship opportunities in the following

areas: Radio Programming, Television Programming, Development, Production,

Membership Services, IT, Human Resources and Engineering. The internship

program is designed to provide students with an opportunity to learn about broadcasting

and the supporting areas of Radio and Television.

Internships with Public Broadcasting Atlanta are unpaid.


Candidate must be a student: High School, College, or Graduate School. The internship

you are applying for should benefit your major/minor area of study or degree. Interns are

expected to work between 10 and 30 hours a week during 8-12 week internship period.

Internships are offered during the summer, fall, winter, and spring, quarters/semesters.

Internships are for academic credit and must be approved by your school or university.

Application Procedures:

• Complete and Forward the attached application with cover letter and resume.

• Provide two professional or academic letters of reference.

• Make sure to indicate the area(s) you are interested in working, as well as the

quarters/semesters during which you wish to intern.

• PBA’s Human Resources Department will review all applications.

Click here for more information.