Tuesday, January 28, 2014

FREE Summer Seminar at Berry College

Are you not looking forward to your economics class?

 Do you picture Ferris Bueller’s teacher whenever someone mentions economics?

 Do you think that economics only exists in a textbook and not in the real world?

 Have you never been to a FEE seminar before?

Come to FEE’s “Econ in Unexpected Places” and learn how economics exists in a variety of places such as sports, movies, history, pop culture, and more! Economics is more than just graphs in a textbook or formulas on a computer; it’s a way of seeing the world differently than the average person. The way an average person looks at the world is like watching a 3D movie without the glasses. After a FEE seminar, you’ll have your glasses.

Applications are open until March 31, students are accepted on a rolling basis, so students are encouraged to apply early!The application also includes an optional essay for those who are in need of travel assistance because there are limited number of travel scholarships available.

To apply, click here. For more information about FEE and other free seminars click here.